Corporate Secretarial practices

Secretarial Compliances
Provide ROC search Report Cersai Report Bank Due Diligence Report secretarial audit report Advising and guiding companies for compliance of the Companies Act, 2013 and other Corporate Laws and Regulations NBFCs, Asset Reconstruction Companies, Banks, Listed, Unlisted, Public Limited and Private Limited Companies, LLPs Nidhi Companies Producer companies Section 8 Companies Registered for charitable purposes
Registration Services
TRADE MARK REGISTRATION, Incorporation of Companies, LLP, One Person Company (OPC) Section 8 Company (Not for Profit Company), Nidhi Companies, Producer Companies, Incorporation of foreign Company Like Corporation, LLC, INC etc
Filing of Returns and various forms
Including registration of Charges, Modification and satisfaction of charge ( Form CHG 1 and CHG 4 ), filing of annual return ( Form AOC -4, AOC 4 CFS, AOC 4 XBRL, MGT 7 A etc.
Conversion of entities/ Changes in status
Conversion of Company from Private to Public and vice –versa, Conversion of Company into LLP and vice –versa, Conversion of One person Company to Private Limited.
Preparation of registers and Maintenance of Secretarial Records
Preparation of various registers, minutes notices and under Companies Act and various Labour Laws.
Issue of reports and Audit
Conduct Secretarial audit and issue report, conduct various due diligence and issuance of report like bank due diligence as per RBI Guidelines, search report, Cercai search report for bank and NBFCs.
FEMA Compliances
Filing form FcGPR, FcTRS and ECB and provide CS Certificate as per RBI requirements.
Consultancy Services
Advising and guiding companies on retainer ship basis for compliance of the Companies Act, 2013, Labour Laws, and other Corporate Laws and Regulations applicable to various companies

Legal Practices
Drafting Petitions & Appearances under Companies Act before NCLT, Regional Director, and Registrar of Companies for: Compounding of Offences, Shifting of Registered Office, Change of Name, and Condonation of delay w.r.t. registration and satisfaction of charge, Extension of time for AGM, Appointment of Directors.
Drafting various types of agreements like, Share holder and Share Subscription Agreement (SHA), Joint Venture Agreement, franchisee agreement, Deed of Partnership, Lease Agreement, rent agreement for commercial and residential etc.
Drafting of Polices like CSR Policies HR Policies, etc. required under Companies Act, and Labour Laws.
HR Policy/ HR Manual shall be customized and designed exclusively for the use of Employees newly joined.
Reply for show cause issued, if any by PF, ESI, Labor Office and DISH department and compliance thereof.

Other Services

Registration of Trust
Partnership Firm and proprietary firm.
Registration under Udyam Aadhar (MSME).
FSSAI Licences.
To obtain various Registration Certificate under PF, PT, PTEC /PTRC and filing of returns.
To obtain clearances certificate under environment laws.
Property Search Certificate/Title clearance Certificate.
Registration for OSP Centre – BPO.
Import Export Code ( IEC) registration on update.